50×30.5×5cm / ミクストメディア
In the world of mythology, comic books, and movies, there are heroes and heroines who save the people.
But are there any such beings in the world today?
When people hear the word "hero," they probably imagine a mask.
The biggest enemy of the hero is the people.
By wearing a mask, the hero hides his privacy and weakness from the people, and escapes the attacks of the crowd.
Nowadays, many people are presenting themselves as contents on social networking sites.
And what appears on social networking sites are not heroes who carry out independent justice, but small heroes who are part of the same crowd as the audience.
It seems that people are expressing small heroes such as "who they want to be" on a daily basis by announcing their "selves" that they have applied to the mask of typology on SNS.
Nowadays, all kinds of heroes, big and small, are prepared in advance in the media of the Internet and television.
In such an age, people are intoxicated and distracted by the illusion of identifying with their heroes through fervor.
I expressed the discontinuity and asymmetry of the heroes of various sizes and the crowds that create them in the media as large, flat masks that cannot be worn.
I think there are some beings that people cannot be. And that is the hero in every age. This is also true today.